South Somerset Nurseries


Wincanton Nursery and Pre-School


What are your opening times?

We are open from 7.45am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday, 51 weeks of the year. 

We are closed between Christmas and New Year and all statutory bank holidays.

From what age can my child attend the nursery?

Children can start at the nursery from 3 months old and stay until they start primary school.  Once they become 3 years old they will transfer to our pre-school group in preparation for their reception year at school.

Are the days split into sessions?

We do not operate set sessions.  You have the flexibility to book the start and finish times of your session.  The only restriction is that you book a minimum of 4 hours. For example you could book from 9.00am to 1.00pm or 11.00am to 3.00pm or any variation, as long as the hours fall between 8.00am and 6.00pm.  We also offer an After School Club for Primary School children which runs from 3pm until 5.30pm each day.

Do I need to book whole hours for my sessions?

No, you can book times to the nearest quarter of an hour.  For example you could book from 8.15am to 4.45pm.

How much does it cost?

The cost structure is very simple with an hourly charge of £5.95.  This applies to both the nursery and the pre-school. Please see our Payment & Fees Policy for more details. 

How does the charging work?

Parents are always invoiced in advance.  You have the choice to pay monthly or weekly in advance by direct debit, standing order, BACS, cash, Government Tax Free childcare scheme, employer’s salary sacrifice scheme or card.   Please refer to our Payment & Fees Policy for full details including information about additional charges for late payment.  

Do I pay if my child is ill or absent?

Yes, if your child is absent through illness or absence then the full fee is charged.

Do I pay if my child does not attend when we are on holiday?

Each child is entitled to 5 weeks holiday per year when only 50% of the normal, booked hours are charged.  For example if your child usually attends for 20 hours a week they will only be charged for 10 on a weeks holiday.

Am I charged if I drop my child off early or collect them late?

Yes, you will be charged to the nearest quarter of an hour before the scheduled drop off or nearest quarter of an hour after collection time.  For example if your scheduled hours were 9.00am to 5.00pm and you dropped off at 8.50am and collected at 5.05pm you would be charged an additional half an hour for that day, 15 minutes for the morning and 15 minutes for the afternoon. Our overtime rate is £20.00 per hour for any extra attendance which is not previously agreed.

Do I have to pay during school holidays?

Children that are in receipt of Early Years Entitlement (EYE) funding can choose to use their funded hours on a term time only basis.  This must be stated and agreed at the beginning of the term.  If your child is under 3 and attends the nursery then the term time only option is not available unless either parent is employed in an educational setting.

How much notice do I need to give if I want to change my child’s hours?

We need a minimum of 4 weeks notice if you want to reduce your child’s hours.  To extend or change days/hours we will try and accommodate your requirements as soon as possible.  However, we cannot guarantee that your requirements can be met as it will depend on availability of places.

Is there a minimum number of days my child needs to attend?

No, your child can attend from as little as 4 hours per week.


Do you take payment in the form of vouchers from employers that operate salary sacrifice schemes?

Yes, we work with a number of different organisations that provide this service.  The most common ones are Computershare vouchers and Edenred.


Can I claim Early Years Entitlement (EYE) funding provided by the government?

Yes, we are registered with the local authority to receive this funding for children aged 2, 3, and 4 years.  All children will receive 570 hours of free childcare per year starting the term after their third birthday.  For example if your child’s birthday is the 21st of June they will be eligible for the 570 hours from the beginning of the school term starting in September.  

2 year EYE funding is means tested.  You can apply for this funding by visiting

Can you provide meals?

We are fortunate to have our own chef at the nursery that prepares all the children’s food.  As well as a 2 course lunch she also serves the children with a mid morning and mid afternoon snack.  All the food is freshly prepared to a very high standard.  Currently 70% of our children have a cooked lunch.  Our Food Standards Agency rating has been rated the maximum 5 stars for the last 7 years.

What is the cost of lunch?

A cooked lunch consisting of a main meal and dessert/starter is charged at £3.30.  All other drinks & snacks are provided free of charge.  Sample menu’s are available on request. 

Can you cater for any specific dietary needs?

Having all the meals cooked on site means we can accommodate any specific dietary needs based on religious or medical grounds.  However, we are unable to change our menu to accommodate specific likes or dislikes of a small number of children.

My child is a fussy eater.  Can I bring in a packed lunch?

Bringing in a packed lunch is fine.  It must be healthy and meet the requirements of our healthy eating policy (available on request).

My child is still breast feeding.  Can I bring in expressed milk for them?

Yes.  Obviously all bottles must be clearly labelled in such a way that is permanent.  For example, a sticky label is not acceptable in case it falls off.


My child has just started weaning.  Can I provide meals for you to heat up?

Yes.  We will reheat food to the recommended safe temperature which will be checked by a temperature probe.  As with a packed lunch any food provided from home must meet the requirements of our healthy eating policy (available on request).

Can I send my child if they are ill?

If a child is ill they should be at home with their parents/carers, for their benefit and that of the other children.  We have strict policies in place regarding this and we recommend you familiarise yourself with them.  

What happens if my child falls ill whilst at nursery?

If your child becomes very distressed and starts to show signs of being unwell, e.g. a temperature, you will be contacted immediately and asked to collect your child as soon as possible.  If you have provided us with written permission and your own bottle of Calpol or similar we will ask your agreement to this being administered while we wait for you to arrive.  Please note that the nursery is not able to give any medication that has not been provided by you.


My child has some additional needs.  Are you able to care for them?

We welcome children with any additional needs and all areas of the setting are accessible by wheelchair if required.  We regularly work with other agencies such as physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, paediatricians , etc.  We also have two qualified Special Educational Needs Coordinators that will liaise closely with you and undertake any specialised training that is necessary.

What do I need to provide for my child during their time at nursery?

We ask that parents provide the following items;

  • Nappies, wipes and cream (if applicable)

  • Several changes of clothes

  • Outdoor shoes such as wellington boots

  • Indoor shoes such as slippers

  • Sun block and sun hat

  • Bed Bag (if applicable)

  • Any medication they may need (kept in our locked, medicine box)

These items can be kept at nursery on a permanent basis or brought in a bag each time your child attends.  It is very important that everything is clearly labelled.

Will my child have to fit into a new routine when they attend nursery?

No.  We will do all we can to ensure that your child’s routine is not disrupted.


Do you have qualified staff?

Staff training and development is very important to our setting.  Of our current team 95% are qualified to level 3 or above with 3 holding degrees, including a qualified teacher.  We also have 2 others with their level 4 and 1 who has achieved Early Years Professional Status (EYPS), a post graduate qualification.  All staff are first aid trained.

Who will care for my child?

Each child is assigned a key worker who is responsible for their personal care.  This will include nappy changing/toileting, feeding, planning activities and recording details of their development and progress.  They are your first point of contact if you have any queries or comments to make about your child or anything you feel we should know that could affect your child, e.g. a change in routine, disruption at home etc.


Are you registered with Ofsted?

Yes, we are registered with Ofsted.  Our registration number is 2545530.