Setting Closed - Update
20th March 2020
Dear Parents/Carers,
Operational Update
Since our communication yesterday the government have confirmed the list of ‘key workers’ whose children are eligible to continue attending school or childcare settings. It is with huge regret we have taken the very difficult decision to remain closed. The reasons for this are as follows;
1. The setting is part of our family home. As you know the nursery is directly attached to our home with parts of the main house used for certain activities i.e. children sleeping, staff breaks etc. We have 2 children that are considered vulnerable based on suffering from Asthma and several previous episodes of Pneumonia. In order to protect our family, in particular these children, we feel it necessary to minimise the potential for the spread of infection as much as possible.
2. The setting is very small. As a small setting the numbers of children that we would be caring for would not cover our costs. Although we expect to receive financial help from the government and our insurers, access to any funds is likely to be weeks, if not months away. Operating on this basis will make the setting non sustainable.
I realise this will be very disappointing for those parents that fall into the ‘key worker’ category. If you are unable to provide alternative care for your children during our closure please contact the local authority who may be able to assist you in finding a temporary place.
I hope you can understand our decision and bear with us during these very difficult times.
Kind Regards,
Rob & Kayleigh Green